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Customizing Scanlily

Many aspects of Scanlily are customizable. We'll describe a few below.

Item Types

You can define an Item Type, which is a specific set of attributes (fields) that show for an item. Different items can have different item types.

Scanlily App's Item page with Type field selected showing dropdown of Item Types
Scanlily App's Edit Item Type screen showing list of attributes/fields with checkboxes, some of which are checked

For example, you could have an item type “Book” with attributes including “Cost,” “Price,” “Number of Pages,” and “Publisher”. You might also have appliances as items in your system. For those items Number of Pages is not relevant, so your items of type “Appliance” might have different attributes such as “Voltage”, “Model Number”, and “Warranty Expiration Date”.


Scanlily has dozens of attributes you can choose from. But you can also define your own.

Custom attribute edit screen showing ability to create  custom attributes of type: Text, Currency, Number, Date and Dropdown


Scanlily includes notifications to remind you or your users about some action. For example, you might get a notification if you have booked an item and haven’t returned it by its due date.

For exampl
e, here's an email notification that an item is overdue.

Email indicating that the recipient has not yet confirmed return of an item

You can customize to select whether Scanlily should send push or email notifications for over a dozen notification types. Then for each type, you can customize the wording to the user.

Booking Notification list from the Settings screen.  Allows customizing notifications
Notification customization screen.  Shows body text with parameters in square brackets and selectable parameters below

The notification editor allows you to pull detailed information from the database into your custom email or push notification.

Booking Agreement

Create a custom booking agreement for your equipment borrowers to sign.

editbookingagreement.jpg  Booking Agreement edit page with checkbox about whether to require a signature for pickup
signature_page.jpg  Signature screen with booking agreement above it
Access Control

User Groups

Create User Groups and customize their access to categories of items.

manageusergroupmembers.png List of user groups on user website page for managing user groups
restrictcategory.png  Popup where specific access rights can be granted for a category for the selected user group.  Rights are shown as checkboxes labeled as  Read, Write,  Attach, Book, Custody and DeleteA

For example, you may have users to whom you want to display only the subset of your inventory that pertains to them.  Or maybe they can see some items but not be able to book them.


Teams are a special kind of User Group. Team members not only share category access restrictions, but they also get alerts and notifications together. 

sharedactionteams.png  User website page for managing shared action teams

For example, you might have a team called “Film 101 Group A” that has a joint film assignment. The team members can collectively be notified about a return deadline.

As another example, you might set an alert for when an item is flagged as broken. You can assign this alert to a maintenance team so that multiple people are notified when this happens. Similarly, you might set an alert to a team of workers that triggers when inventory quantities fall below a certain level.

Scanlily is highly flexible allowing you to customize many aspects of the system and create different workflows to meet your specific asset and equipment management needs.

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