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Alerts and Flags

Taken together, Alerts and Flags can help immensely with asset management. They allow you to reactively stay on top of necessary actions, such as maintenance. The system does the monitoring work for you, freeing up time and reducing worries so you can focus on less mundane tasks.


Scanlily allows you to set alerts for when attributes reach or surpass values that you set. This saves you a lot of work in managing your inventory and equipment.

alertemailflag.png  Email to a user indicating the Alert that an item was flagged as Need to Recharge
alert_button_screen.jpg  Scanlily app alerts list screen

For inventory management:
Let Scanlily tell you when to restock items that have fallen below a certain quantity.

For equipment management:
Enable your staff and customers to flag items as broken or needing repair. Receive an alert if something requires your attention.

Alert Types

You can set various type of alerts in Scanlily, including the following:

Quantity Alerts

Date Alerts

Price Alerts

Flag Alerts

You can set a Quantity alert for when that item’s quantity falls below a certain level.

You can specify an alert that triggers prior to an item’s expiration date.

Have the alert monitor an item’s cost, price or value and trigger when it falls below a set amount.

Be alerted when an item is flagged as broken or needing service. 

Change the “Send to” if you want the alert to go to someone other than yourself.

07addeflagalert.jpg  Scanlily Alert setting screen showing ability to set by Cost, Current Value, Expiration Date, Flag, Price, Quantity and Warranty Expiration Date


The ability to flag items, for example as needing repair or recharging, is an important aspect of equipment management systems.

These are some default flag values, but you can customize this list:

00flagonitempage.jpg  Flag field on Item screen being selected showing the pulldown of flag options including Broken, Dispose, Flagged, Lost, Need to Recharge, Need to Renew, Need to Service and Restock

This video describes the process in more detail:

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